Clear Coat
is a highly advanced 3.5 VOC, two-component urethane clear coat that delivers outstanding
hardness, premium gloss, D.O.I. (Distinctness of Image) and long-lasting color retention.
With a convenient 4:1 mix ratio, OC5900 is easy to mix and easy to use with excellent flow
out and leveling. You get a great gloss with no dieback, and a high build in two coats. No
buffing is necessary. It can be air-dried or force dried to meet your finishing schedule.
Use OC5900 over MAGNACRYL 9000 Series Acrylic Enamels or MAGNATRON 5000 Series
Acrylic Polyurethane Enamels for added gloss and protection. MAGNACLEAR can be
applied over any manufacturers single stage or base coat products. Add OA595 Activator and
reduce up to 10% without exceeding VOC.