Reducers & Additives

For use with 4800 Series Synthetic Urethane Enamels, 500 and 600 Series Primers
and Rust Destroyer®
ER100 Enamel Reducer for brush, spray or rolling. High quality mineral
spirits. Allows multi-temperature use.
SR200 Speed Reducer for spraying and rolling. High quality naphtha for
low temperature use. Helps prevent runs and sags during cold weather application.
QR500 Quick Cut Reducer for thinning without exceeding VOC limits.
Multi-temperature use. Faster reduction than ER100 or SR200.

For use with 9000 and 5000 Series, Universal Primer, MAGNAPOXY,
Premium blends of urethane grade solvents designed to give optimum flow and leveling at
varied temperature ranges. For best results, match reducer to your shop temperature and
working conditions.
R740 Medium Temperature Reducer (70 - 85°F)
R760 Low Temperature Reducer (50 - 75°F)
R720 High Temperature Retarder (85°F and Above)
S8 Multi-Temperature Reducer for use with CHASSIS SAVER

GWR10 Grease & Wax Remover is a unique solvent blend formulated
for fast action lifting of wax, silicone, grease, road tar and oil from automotive paint
surfaces for easy wipe up. It provides a light etching action for improved adhesion when
refinishing. GWR10 should be used prior to sanding, to eliminate the possibility of
forcing contaminants into the old paint. Easy to use with clean lint free cloths.
250S Fish Eye Eliminator prevents cratering or fish eyeing. Guards
against the effects of silicone contamination. Assures a smooth finish. Use with all types
of synthetics, acrylics and urethane finish coats and clear coats. Not for use in primers.
Dosage: Up to 1 oz. per spray ready gallon.
825P Accelerator speeds curing, dust and tack free times. Produces faster
tape times for two-toning. Helps cure times in colder temperatures. Use with
MAGNATRON 5000 Series Polyurethane Enamels. Dosage: 4 oz per spray ready gallon.
Shortens pot life.